Giantess Fetish Videos

The best Giantess Fetish Videos | YOU ARE SOOOO SMALL!

Mistress Mila was bored so she found herself playing with toy cars. She knew that she was a giantess where the cars were concerned and she loved thinking of herself in those terms because it made her feel powerful against the miniature toy cars. And she used her huge feet and her high heels to crush them and destroy them. She made it look like how giant creatures crushed and destroyed things in the movies.

This kid was badly behaved and this mistress did not like what she saw from him. The mistress had to find a way to make him humble again. So when she found out that he loved his action figures, she knew she had found a way to do it. The mistress crushed them and she destroyed them as he watched. He cried and begged her not to do it but she did it.

Mistress Enola was angered by how abusive this guy was towards other people and she resolved to put an end to what he did. So she stomped and crushed him until he became a little man. The mistress had used her giantess feet to do it and when she was done, she was sure that the loser would not do what he had done as he would not want to go through that again.

Goddess Chanel felt like she wanted to crush these dolls but she was tired. And since she knew that it took a little bit of time to crush them, she knew she could not manage to crush them using her feet and her high heels. So the mistress used her car to do it because she knew that the results would be almost instant. And that is what she did as she crushed them in the mud.

This guy was meant to do things that these mistresses had asked him to do. He did not and the reason was that he did not fear them. They realized that and they did something about it. They crushed some model houses and they warned him that he would suffer the same fate if he did not quickly start doing what they had agreed he does for them. He did.

This girl had been messing with mistress Zora not knowing what she was capable of. She was shocked when the mistress turned on her and she used her ass to crush her and torture her. She turned her into a tiny girl and she was scared and she begged for mercy and she asked her to return her to her regular self and she would never piss her off again.

Goddess Nika felt that she had to crush this guy and the choice was to crush him with her feet or to do it with her teeth. She had done it severally with her feet but never with her teeth. So she went ahead and she crushed him into a tiny man before she put him in her mouth and crushed him a great deal before she spat him out.

Mistress Dita had always wanted to smother a loser and being the sort of person who does not like to find fault in people all the time, she had to wait for this loser to mess up before she could torture him. The mistress did not have to wait for long as the guy committed some wrongs and she got the chance to smother him with her boots until he became a tiny man.

Mistress Hanna is a giantess who does not like it when people look for trouble from her. She likes to keep to herself but when someone goes to her to ask for trouble, he or she usually gets it. And this guy got it too today. She used her giantess feet to trample him in her garden and she nearly buried him in the soil as she trampled him mercilessly.

This giantess wanted to torture this guy because she did not need his negativity anywhere around her. She lured him to her house where she gave him a dress down and she warned him never to be negative around her. She went ahead to crush him with her giantess heels and made him a tiny version of himself. It was painful and humiliating but he could not help himself. He had to do everything her way.

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